Originally Posted by elhigh
Your duct tape/cardboard may not hold up in weather; then again your investment in it isn't high so if you have to make another one, no problem.
That's my goal right now. Depending on how long these current mods last will determine if I recreate them using the same free materials or if I end up going with something like coroplast.
Originally Posted by elhigh
You could consider shooting a few coats of Rustoleum spray paint on it to give it a bit of weatherproofing, and maybe get closer to your car's color if it isn't close enough already.
Ehh, too much work

and it's relatively close, but it'd be just as noticeable regardless of whether it was exactly the same color as my car or not.
Originally Posted by elhigh
Shoot some pix of your lawn edge air dam, I want to see that. And how you attached it.
I haven't actually installed it yet - waiting until probably Sunday to install it when I can get some assistance.
Originally Posted by elhigh
Have you started on your engine under cover yet? I did mine a few months ago and it seems to be helping.
Not yet. I'm still trying to figure out if underbody paneling would be helpful with an air dam. And it sounds like a lot more work than my current mods lol. Although I definitely see myself experimenting with something like this when I have time.
Originally Posted by elhigh
My Civic is an '04, same generation as yours, but a Hybrid. Hybrid manual. Mmm, drink it in.
How's your battery been? That was the one thing that deterred me from buying a hybrid, especially since they were all roughly $1000 cheaper.
Originally Posted by elhigh
I'm pretty sure the Hybrid was equipped with a full engine under cover from the factory, but it was long gone. This is the gaping chasm of turbulent chaos that's revealed when it's missing:
Yea, I could buy the part new for around $50, or see if I can take it from a junked HCH for cheaper, but the nearest junkyard with a HCH is about an hour away driving at normal speeds...which I rarely do.
Originally Posted by elhigh
A lot of the press-in expansion anchors were missing or damaged, so I bought a bag of 50 from Amazon. And now I have no idea where the other 35 have gone, isn't that always the way.
How well do those even work? I was considering implementing some of those when I get around to installing my air dam, but they seem too flimsy as opposed to bolts and zip ties.
Originally Posted by elhigh
The engine cover isn't terribly sophisticated but I had an idea: since the cover I was installing would go in with a lot of not-easily-removed hardware (zip ties), I thought making it easy to get to the oil drain and filter would go a long way to avoiding some knuckledragger tearing off the whole cover and just throwing it away. Thus:
Just moving the arrow-shaped tab frees up the access door.
It covers most of the engine compartment to a few inches aft of the main crossmember. I haven't extended it but the weather's getting warmer and I have more coroplast.
Looks good! How did you mount it? And do you think air getting into any gaps between the coroplast and underbody might cancel out any benefits?