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Old 04-27-2018, 11:39 PM   #48 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Next time you can say she is a transgender dog, that she choosed to be male, just to the bit-ches go away.
What else would you advice me to do? Take her to a Pablo Vomitar's concert?

No offense, but I don't really consider psychology a science. It's more to the side of pseudoscience than true science. Too many different fronts, a lot of phylosophy mixtured together, frail or rare proofs...
And they try to controll people, make people calm and accepted by society, without judging too much society itself. Almost a social controll agent. It's more runned by politics than science.
No offense taken. I must confess I also don't take psychology so seriously. Sometimes even my mom complains about some non-scientific practices that have been assimilated by most psychologists.

When politics wasn't connected to power for women and gays and trans, psychology had different opinions, said they were ill, but now they "turned the side of the disc" and say the oposite, even with emotional and militant way, forgetting that themselves was the "evil they make critics today".
Not just psychologist, nowadays even automakers try to look cool for the gay supremacists and other left-leaning folks. Hell, nowadays even Cummins tries to look cool for them. Companies should concentrate on their core businesses and get highlighted for quality and technical solutions suitable to the needs of their customers instead of trying to push for some agenda that may be considered quite segregating. I've always had contact with "diverse" people even when there was no such "diversity" and "inclusion" BS thrown by the media, and most of the gays and non-whites I have to deal with are conservative and don't buy into that media garbage. A few years ago I was talking to a gay dude about that scumbag teacher who told me I was "homophobe and racist" for supporting responsible gun ownership, and the gay dude told me he had been called homophobe at least once because of his conservative views on some highly-controversial matters.

It's like a former nazi making hard critcs to new nazis.
That's quite controversial. When you mention former nazis, does it mean someone who has renounced to violence and becomes a critic of the neonazi doctrines? In this case it may be worth something.

Last edited by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr; 04-27-2018 at 11:44 PM..