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Old 04-28-2018, 12:43 AM   #50 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
You can invite her for dinner in a very expensive restaurant and demand she pay the bill, just to prove she is against the patriarcal culture.
The closest to that happened while I was eating what we know here in Porto Alegre as "a la minuta" (very similar to a PF de boteco from São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro) and sharing some pieces of the beef steak with Vanessa. No surprise some leftie started an attempt to virtue-signalling and to make me feel ashamed for feeding my dog while a homeless dude was begging for money half a block away.

I refer, following this analogy, let's say, that it's a nazi who get scared of be defeated, and decided to change his image among society.
So you mean dissimulation, not really a change of mind.

I would like to meet europeen people from such areas and from universities, to see if they are as on Brazil, or if had decency.
The daughter of a friend of my dad moved to London about 10 or 11 years ago. She already held some weird views before immigrating, and then she has worsened. Even though she is considered white here, she decided to take benefit of the "white guilt" often embraced by some native Europeans who may feel sorry even for white (and therefore more European-looking than immigrants from other former colonies throughout Africa and Asia) "sudacas" who have actually been considered "racially privileged" while they lived in their homelands.