Punishment need to start young, even before teenaging, as educational actions and also check if the kid's parents are abusing them anyway. It also must punish bad parents, or even sterilize them to stop put people on world to became as bad as thenselves.
The main root of criminality is bad parenting. Crap people should not be allowed to reproduce.
About drugs... What is a guy while high murder someone ? I remamber a case when a guy high on cocaine rapped his owm grandmother. He will say it wasn't his fault, but it was the cocain.
it's always like that, people want to whatever they want, make noise for the righ to get high with heavy drugs, but when they make s... they don't take responsability. I call it coward people with no character at all.
Bosses should be allowed to get drug test on employes and fired druged ones.
I propose a experiment, create a comunity with only strong drugs drug addicted people, and see if it willwork. Id fireman, if doctor, if dentist, if babystitter, truckdrivers etc... will manage to go around. It would be interesting.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-30-2018 at 05:59 PM..