Originally Posted by acparker
I don't know if this has been suggested already, but, in my opinion, this recent increase in fuel prices is driven by politics... I anticipate gas prices surging to around $7/gallon before the end of Summer,
We were told the spike in gas prices was to last only a couple of months, but they held and then increased, setting up for the disastrous '06 midterms and destroying Dubbya's final term.
No politician, thus far, has had the gumption (or sufficient incentive) to call the oil companies on their economy-destroying, oligopoly pricing.
People are going to put money ahead of politics, so it's doubtful the market is being manipulated just to spite Trump. This is the normal game of running oil prices high and low in a cycle that has been going on since I've been around. Prices are raised to whatever the market will bear, then the US cranks up domestic production on those oil sources that weren't profitable at $2/gallon prices, but are profitable at $4/gallon prices, then the OPEC cartel increases production again to shut down US production... rinse and repeat.
W's final term was mostly tarnished by having found no Iraqi facilities making weapons of mass destruction. If you're going to assault a country, the reason given for the assault had better exist.
I'm pretty sure all politicians have been critical of OPEC. Calling the cartel out for what is obvious does no good in breaking up their collusion.