So I guess I'm still a bit confused. It sounds like an engine running at peak efficiency(or as near as possible) could possibly use more fuel than one running at less than peak efficiency? I'm believing you all just not quite following you all.
I now have two more questions. If peak efficiency is the engine running at its smoothest, is less than peak efficiency harder on the engine from a wear and tear point of view?
Secondly, if it isn't harder on the engine, how do I find that point or range that is using less fuel?
And finally, (hopefully) if that point or range of "less fuel" is found would it be better to run somewhere between peak efficiency and less fuel for the sake of engine life or strictly run at the less fuel end?
You all have been great "teachers". Sometimes I wish I could be a better student.
If nice guys finish last, are you willing to pay the price to finish first ?