Originally Posted by freebeard
Because their politicians.....with their mouths open?
As I recall, some other intelligence agency from someplace like France had concluded Iraq had WMD. Not sure if we told them to say that, or if they actually believed it, or if they wanted Saddam gone as much as we did and gave us the nudge we needed?
I'm not an "ends justify the means" type of person. That mentality usually has long term consequences that are worse than original problem. Just look how we created the Saddam mess in the first place by aiding their fight with Iran. It's the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality that placed us on a slippery slope.
In my view, if a cause is worth risking lives, it's worth risking our own lives. In other words, if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. Otherwise, leave it be.