Well, the math is easy.
What is the fuel consumption of the Yanmar to output 14 horsepower to the wheels?
Take your 70 miles driven in 1 hour, and divide by 1hr of 14 horsepower fuel consumption.
Lots of losses involved with converting genset power to electricity and then kinetic energy.
Conversions are:
chemical energy (diesel) > thermal > kinetic > electrical > *chemical energy (battery) > kinetic
*assumes output charges battery rather than directly used by motor
I'd like to see a vehicle with a 50 hp high efficiency engine that charges a relatively large battery which drives powerful motors. Perhaps a car could be made that does 0-60 in 4 seconds but gets 40 MPG on the freeway.
Last edited by redpoint5; 05-03-2018 at 07:12 PM..