Originally Posted by Angel And The Wolf
I wonder what Highway MPG I could expect.
I looked at the Yanmar pdf. It says that the engine gets 162 g/hp hr
Assuming 14 hp that's 2268 g per hour = 5 pounds. Assuming 7.1 lb per gallon for diesel that's .7 gal or about 100 mpg. But the "netto" is 400 lbs for that engine. I don't think the Prius engine is even half that weight and can produce 140 hp, and has bsfc of 230 g/kw hr (
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) Maps - EcoModder) which is 176 g/hp hr, about 10% worse than the Yanmar.
If a stock Prius gets 50 mpg at 70 mph (see
I'd expect the Yanmar to get about 55 mpg.
Furthermore you will need a huge battery and electric motor to provide the power for acceleration and hill climbing. With that added weight...