Equality :
Now I bet many man will start to develop "feminine skills", like get in shape, bodybuilting, target some uggly or fat women with a lot of money, and ask divorce afetr a couple years.
Some feminst wants that only the word of women to be legaly considered enough to jail hin. But look how some women are :
A false acusation, if intentional, should get the same sentence as the alleged crime would. On Brazil there is a project for this, but feminists said it would move away victims from accuse. Some man got HIV on prison, sice they use to rape mans convicted of rapist
Some feminsm don't care if man are raped due fake allegations.
With such crazy women like that going on web and among feminsts, I bet police are less prone to belive in real female victims of rape.
Back to race thematic and crimes. The worse enemy of black eople is the street black culture, the culture that do not target moral but only listen to funk and rapers music, the culture who target drugs and basketkball only. The mother who get babies without marriage and without money or ways to educate and give moral values.
And it's the culture that is widespread by meadia, music industry, for blacks. A culture (or minds liek said a fellow forum member) for fail.