Originally Posted by oil pan 4
And the only constant is, they still get it wrong.
To ask for 100% accuracy is foolhardy.
Science teaches us 100% accuracy is impossible.
But if I had to pick the side that was less wrong, I'd pick the one that actually continuously refines their models to take everything into account.
Because they do, whether you believe they do or not.
Originally Posted by aerohead
Picture in your mind, 30,000 years worth of 100-year-old oak forest in a single bonfire.That's a snapshot of anthropogenic carbon. 
Along with hundreds of billions of tons of coal and oil... Eek.
Originally Posted by freebeard
There's a reason it is a fringe theory.
Also, diamonds form abiotically, but we don't have billions of tons of commercially-extractable diamonds under our feet.
Alsox2, in relation to that, it is likely more oil deposits exist than we have ever used. Or ever will use. Because, y'know, we can't afford to dig it all up due to EROI concerns.
Originally Posted by sendler
Awesome talk.