My "LED" flasher arrived...
That says LED right on it. You'd think it would prevent hyper-flashing, would just blink at a set, no. Its identical inside to the original, and does nothing different.
So, having a spare, I figured I might as well make it work for my needs.
This is the built-in shunt that it uses to read current. LEDs don't draw enough current, so it acts like there's a burn out bulb and flashes faster:
You get a certain voltage drop across the shunt, depending on the current that goes through it. Millivolts. I read ~10mV across said shunt from a 10w bulb, which is roughly 1/5th of what the two incandescent bulbs draw. So I needed it to show 50mV for the same load. I replaced it with this:
A fine strand of copper wire, which I ran the same 10w bulb off of to determine the correct length to get 50mV across it and wound around a pen to coil it up tighter. I had originally made a much shorter piece out of MIG (steel) wire, but trying to get the solder to take was more bother than it was worth.
It works perfectly. No more hyper flash. (Just don't put incandescent bulbs back in, or else the new shunt will probably get too hot).
Of course, if I had spent twice as much, I could have
bought and adjustable one in the first place. Or done this to the original for nothing.
This is the same basic method that you can change the current limit on an electric bike's controller...within reason, or you'll blow your MOSFETs. Trust me on that one.