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Old 05-07-2018, 05:43 PM   #1585 (permalink)
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Not up on my current events. Is CR Okay? I see there was a failure to reference this:
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Scientific laws display 100% accuracy, that's why it's a law, it always works, 100% of the time and there is no counter argument that isn't proved wrong 100% of the time.
If the science only works 97% or 99% of the time, or there is counter arguments that can not be absolutely disproven all of the time then the little bit of science in question is still a theory.
But I see this a lot, global warming believers and bible thumpers not grasping how basic science works or is applied.
Scientific laws are the only settled science, but even they can be challenged.
You have a problem with verbosity, you want concision? I guess I've got to do everything. Summarize by paragraphs:
163.00 No generalized principles have ever been discovered that contradict other generalized principles. All the generalized principles are interaccommodative. Some of them are synchronously interaccommodative; that is, some of them accommodate the other by synchronized nonsimultaneity. Many of them are interaccommodative simultaneously. Some interact at mathematically exponential rates of interaugmentation. Because the physical is time, the relative endurances of all special-case physical experiences are proportional to the synchronous periodicity of associability of the complex principles involved. Metaphysical generalizations are timeless, i.e., eternal. Because the metaphysical is abstract, weightless, sizeless, and eternal, metaphysical experiences have no endurance limits and are eternally compatible with all other metaphysical experiences. What is a metaphysical experience? It is comprehending the relationships of eternal principles. The means of communication is physical. That which is communicated, i.e., understood, is metaphysical. The symbols with which mathematics is communicatingly described are physical. A mathematical principle is metaphysical and independent of whether X,Y or A,B are symbolically employed.
TLDR: Synergetic 'generalizations' trump science's 'laws' (prescriptive over descriptive)

The new Black Pigeon Speaks video suggest Christianity isn't the problem, it's commie pinko college profs.

edit: Back On-Topic:'s Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach Highest Point In 800,000 Years
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What the headline giveth, the last paragraph taketh away. -- Scott Ott

Last edited by freebeard; 05-07-2018 at 06:01 PM..