Originally Posted by j99civic
I'm back, with the 2012 Plug in Prius...The display was only 51 mpg for the 150 mile trip coming home, but at a pretty good speed so that's okay.
I was hoping you would get it. 51 MPG is normal. Do you have a place to charge? If so, do you have access to 240v? Charging at 240v will cut the charge time from 3:00 hours down to 1:30 hours, and efficiency goes from something like 75% wall to battery to 85% wall to battery. Gen I Leaf EVSEs are relatively easy to modify for $20 in parts (plug and cable, and 2 varistors).
The speedometer reads slightly high, with 62 MPH indicated being 60 actual. You'll kick out of EV mode above 63 MPH indicated.
Once the engine kicks on for the first time, it will run until engine coolant hits 130 F. After that you can switch between EV and hybrid mode.