Originally Posted by westb87
My commute is 15 miles one way. Takes me approximately 20 minutes or so. None of it is flat except for the 2 miles of highway I do 60mph on. I'll get mowed down if I go any slower.
Hills are fun if you drive them right.
Is there an alternate route you can take that avoids the highway?
Originally Posted by westb87
AC is this crazy voodoo stuff that involves the compression and expansion of gases and the absorption or explusion of heat through those processes. It's a necessity in Alabama summers, make no mistake.
Alternative coolers...how about a mini portable battery powered air conditioning unit or two you can have inside the car?
Originally Posted by westb87
I want this car to remain as "stock looking" as possible. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm not doing any boat-tails or skirts on this car. It's a good looking car that I just couldn't bring myself to do that to. I'm sure that 10 years from now when my son gets his learner's permit I'll be giving it to him and buying myself the biggest, most lifted, offroad capable 3500 series truck I can find so I can commute in style and NEVER take the truck offroad, tow, or haul anything with it like everyone else around me here does....J/K J/K J/K!!!!
As long is it's 100% reversible to stock with no permanent damage, who cares? I was initially a member of the "100% stock" club myself until I saw what was possible with just a lil' bit'a tweaking.
Originally Posted by westb87
the biggest, most lifted, offroad capable 3500 series truck I can find
Oh the blasphemy!