Originally Posted by oil pan 4
If you don't have 3 phase service there isn't any point in running a 3 phase inverter.
There are single-phase inverters. I have not been impressed by build quality, part selection, or reliability stats. That said, I have not put out the cash to buy one. My 3 phase controllers are re-built industrial models. Plus the one that I got from Paul Holmes.
Most single phase motors are set up with a capacitor start, or some other method to get starting torque. I'd have to remove the start method in order to run low frequency. And the single phase motors, that I have used, do not appear to be designed to run continuously. They overheat and trip on thermal, then need to cool down and be reset. Not a great thing if you are not home all of the time. Worse are the ones that heat up and fail the insulation, then just stop entirely.
A single phase feed into the diode bridge of a 3 phase controller charges up the bus, and I can drive 3 phase motors - that I can get cheap, and that are very robust since they are designed for continuous duty in commercial or industrial settings - with good speed control, decent bearings, etc. I can also run the motors at 250 - 300% current for short periods of time, if I mess up.
Think drill press, table saw, jointer/planer, septic pump, well water pump, domestic water pressure pump in the house.
BUT ... it is not to be. If there is a fire, the default reason seems to be electrical. So if I have 'illegal' stuff in the house - it will be blamed and I won't have any insurance. So I just do vehicle stuff so far ... and maybe play with some stuff outside, not near any trees