Originally Posted by Baltothewolf
Yea... An underpanel might make it worse actually. You will just trap all the humidity and salt under the undercarriage rather than it just dripping off.
The idea was to create a protective cover made of plastic which will not be susceptible to salt or water .
People here usually construct their own undercarriages from cloroplast or aluminium. But if your main objective is rust prevention, a belly pan will only cover the problem so you will not see it.
Washing under the car after it has been on snow / salt is a good idea.
How much rust are we talking about?
I would be interested in constructing an undercarriage cover from cloroplast or fiberglass or some other light plastic material.
I don't think there is much rust down there presently since I immediately rust proofed the car once it was out of the showroom and then gave it an annual once over with extra protective layers.
Some spots, joints however have exhibited some surface rust which is bothersome.
How do I find out about creating my own cloroplast cover / shield. It sounds like a not so minor undertaking. Isnt there anyone who makes covers for toyota corollas 2016 models that I may purchase? or something generic ? am also on a budget btw .