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Old 05-18-2018, 04:53 PM   #1 (permalink)
oil pan 4
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Bug - '01 VW Beetle GLSturbo
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Snow flake - '11 Nissan Leaf SL
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2011 Nissan Leaf modifications (efficiency and utility)

This is what I'm thinking for leaf mods.

First, get a 240v charger. I got a 3.8kw univeral 120/240v j1772 charger that should be here any day now. 120v is killing me I don't know how any one gets by with one of these as their primary vehicle slow charging on 120v power.
If you were thinking "I'll just plug it into that outlet by my front door" nope. I guess you could get by on 120v power if you could charge at work, the store, so on. If your only place to charge is at home, don't bet on 120v power.
Edit, got the 2nd charger and moded my original charger, I love charging on 240v power.
Edit #2, I also picked up a portable 10kw chademo unit, it pumps about 8kw in the batteries.

Trailer hitch, already here, just got to put it on.
Edit, the trailer hitch is on.

Alignment, next Thursday at 0900L, one of the front tires is worn kind of funny, it's probably just from being driven in the city and making sharp 90° right turns all the time but might as well get it checked out. Liberal Democrat ran utopias like Illinois, where this car was from tend to have really bad roads too.
Edit: the alignment was off a little.

A spare tire, the leaf doesn't have a spare, I didn't think it did. We run over all kinds of nails and junk here because people just don't care what they drop on the roads as they go to the dump.

Remove the lug key and put normal lug nuts on there. I live in the country no one is going to go around steal wheels off cars unless they are suicidal want to end up as pig feed.
Put normal 21mm lugs on there, nissan studs are 12x1.25mm, already looked it up.
Edit, done.

Add some kind of flat tow provision incase it gets ran dead. Our other 2 cars have hitches on them except for the useless VW which should be gone soon.
Edit: sold that POS VW for more than I thought I would be able to get for it, paid for 1/3 of the leaf.

Make the flat tow rig double as a supporting structure for an air dam.

Scalp my Yokohama avid ascend LRR tires off the VW, put new cheap Walmart junk on there to sell it, save the yokos for the leaf, the tires on the leaf now look like 10%, 20%, 35% and 35%. They would be useless on snow. The Yokohama tires on the bug are at least at 80%.
Edit: those tires went with the bug.

Tires, I will need 2 new tires soon.

Later on mod the original OEM nissan leaf charger to also take 240v power. It may seem redundant to have 2 chargers and that's the whole point. What happens when the original charger quits?
I want to leave a charger hard wired into 240v power at the house, so all I have to do is grab the j1772 and plug it into the car. Then keep the other one in the car. Along with some extension and adaptor cords.
All I should need for an adaptor cord is a 5-15p to 6-20r to charge anywhere with the universal j1772 charger and a L14-30p to 6-20r so I can charge the car while working on my rental house. Yes on one side of that house I installed a L14-30 and a 6-20 on the other side, plus three 120v receptacles inbetween. My old house was 100% electric car and welder ready.
Edit: this is done. One of the most effective mods.

Edit: Stick H9 led replacements on the high beams.

Stick a big flexible solar panel on the roof to provide most of the power needed by the 12v systems during the day.

I will consider switching over to steel 16 inch wheels if they are about the same weight as factory OE leaf alloy wheels just so I can put smooth hub caps on there. Or some smooth 16 inch aluminum wheel that are the same lug pattern and close enough off set.

Leaf external battery cooling A/C. Make a Styrofoam cut out for the rear doors window and run a portable ducted A/C unit into the window. I read that cabin air vents through the battery to help cool it.

Lower the leaf and use air bags to pump it back up.
The 2018 leaf got lowered to add more range.
But just lowering is problematic, as the roads are rough and I want to pull my trailer.
More ride hight would be better in town. Then slam it on the highway.

Sell the VW to replenish cash reserves and pay for leaf mods.
Edit: the bug sold much quicker than I anticipated, for $1850 and I didn't even have to do anything to it. I was planning on new head lights, a new pass side tail light, oil change, detail.
The bug sold the day after I listed it, apparently this guy had been looking for a sport package bug with mark IV engine that has lowish miles for a few months now.

What size is the leaf hub pattern? I'm assuming it's 5 on 4.5?
And don't know what the offset needs to be if there is one?
EDIT, I looked it up and found all nissan cars use the same wheel lug pattern, just different offsets.

Brake drag reducing springs.

Any other mod ideas?

1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.

Last edited by oil pan 4; 12-14-2018 at 03:58 AM.. Reason: (added info to title)
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