Originally Posted by sendler
Here is a study showing a proposed tidal flow turbine installation at the Straight of Gibraltar. With a peak of 3GW. Average power would be the sine? 2.1 GW average with two periods per day near zero. So if we we could eventually get 100GW peak somehow out of the whole area would be excellent.
There's a 240-MW plant operating in France which entered service in 1968.
As of 2009,plants were in the pipeline at:
South Korea 254-MW
China 300-MW
New Zealand 200-MW
India 7.4-GW
Britain 8.6-GW
Russia 10-GW
U.S.A. a smattering of facilities:
Puget Sound
San Francisco Bay
East River,N.Y.
38 applications were pending as of 2008.