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Old 05-23-2018, 01:41 PM   #1820 (permalink)
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bite us/scale

Originally Posted by sendler View Post
We have a much bigger problem than climate change which will bite us much harder and sooner. We have developed a fractional/ creationist banking system where loans create money out of thin air with nothing taken out of circulation to balance it. The new money anilhilates itself as it is paid back but the interest is real and can only be paid back with growth. And economic growth equals energy growth at almost 1:1. We are headed toward the end of energy growth in the next 30 years. The curent debt based/ growth based economic model will no longer be viable as energy ER/ EI slips away.

Again, operating the agroindustry on biofuel is completely impossible due to the scale of consumption to feed 7.5 billion people and the very poor ER/ EI of bio fuels.
Please try to be more aware of the scale of our consumption.
We would use up all of our land and equipment time to grow fuel at 3:1. To put in the tractors in order to grow more fuel to put in the tractors to grow more fuel. And the price of whatever goods we could produce will increase 4X (or much more if supply is very short as it will be).
Electric trains is something we should go all in on. And develop an economy that allows us to move and work when the energy is available, and not have to do anything when it is not.
Electric semis are a pipe dream as we are already having a battery crunch and we haven't even gotten started with transportation and grid storage.
Personal transportaion will be very fortunate to have a 500Wh e-bike 100 years from now for 10 billion people.
We can thank Benjamin Franklin for inflation and perpetual debt.It's how we payed France back for helping us win the Revolutionary War.Fiat currency.
The Vietnamese were demanding gold from Ft.Knox,so we pulled gold specie out the currency,followed by Nixon taking us off silver to boot.Now we have a currency casino,with floating exchange rates,manipulations,and speculation.
Growing the economy is part of the Ponzi scheme.Future suckers underwrite present suckers.A house built on sand.And no precedent for deconstruction.
I'll think in terms off farm equipment fuel requirements.And I was only thinking of US farm production,not global.
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Last edited by aerohead; 05-23-2018 at 03:19 PM.. Reason: spelling
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