So something I didn't mention is that I had emailed the officer about the situation, which I just noticed the reply in my junk mail folder.
I very politely stated I respected his observation that the car might be "defective" but that the car was also built with very little power from the factory. On that line, I asked what else I could have done to have driven better.
His response was very nice. He stated that he didn't understand why my car was going so much slower than the rest of the traffic, but thought he could use that as an excuse to make sure I wasn't drunk or something. He assured me he observed me to be a law abiding citizen and trusted my judgment. He also thanked me for being polite and interested in safe driving. He also stated that the way I was driving was perfectly legal and sent me a quotation of the law about impeding traffic that specifically mentions that a car can drive slower under such circumstances, but said he had no other recommendation of what to do other than what the law already states.
So personally I feel he was being sincere both when he pulled me over and in his letter. It just felt odd to be pulled over especially for not doing anything wrong, since I hardly ever have been pulled over. And it's not like I don't ever get scoffed at for driving this car. Even close friends and family seem to think I'm nuts.