Originally Posted by gumby79
I hit 84 by 1/2 mile the rest of the thime was spent fighting with the transmission to stay in 4th luse 5mph when it would grab 3rd then upshift as I brought the throttle under 75% and reapply the power
Per the rule book
Roll cage .. 130club 3pt harness ok so no cage required
150 club 2point(pt) cage to hold the shoulder belts of the required 5/6 pt harness at the proper hight.
175 full cage.
Race capable fire suppression@175 +( they Overlook the fire extinguisher in the 130 and 150 because the Marine style mounts just turned that two and a half pound fire extinguisher into a 5 lb chunk of aluminum hit me/you upside the head)
Nomex 150+
Hans 175+
Current helmet check.
Dreem Big Chisel Down To Reality
I've got some used gear if it will qualify:
Kirky aluminum racing seat
Simpson 5-way harness
I've got 2-firesuits but we'll have to check on specs and size
7-1/4'' Bell Star helmet Snell- approved
large Simpson racing gloves
fire retardant underwear
fire retardant balaclava
10-1/2'' Simpson racing shoes/socks
3-parachutes if those can be helpful
Let me know!