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Old 05-30-2018, 05:12 PM   #1895 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
Very cute but you guys are not grasping the scale of our dilemma so I will post this again and then you can tell us how we can possibly achieve this. It's not a matter of decision. It is simple physics. civilization and the economy will be much smaller after peak cheap oil.
130,000 square miles of area, 1.000.000 2.5MW class wind turbines, and 50,000 SolarStar class grid scale solar farms, and 70,000,000 rooftop solar systems, and a 4% increase in hydro with the new capacity capable to pump store. And an unrealistic quantity of this as split Hydrogen with a new fleet pf long haul transport.
Not sure about the future of air transport,but cars,trucks,trains,and ships can go electric.
That would take a lot of demand off liquid hydrocarbons for transport,opening a treasure trove of durable materials possibilities.
Obviously there are no technological boundaries between us and a renewable grid.
Instead of fossil-fuel-fired power plants,Bechtel Corp. can design and build (and operate) manufacturing facilities as they presently already do.
Divert steel from drill rigs,well completion equipment,drill stem,casing,and concrete to solar and wind.Bechtel could have the contract for that.
Mandate Cd 0.13 automobile bodies and you've just increased highway mpg by 25%,in an electric car with a 'BSFC' of around 0.15-lbs/bhp-hr.Reduce the grid requirement by that amount.Streamline housing.Reduce the grid.Streamline commercial real estate.Reduce the grid.Have a discussion about any leisure activity which involves internal combustion.
Ban the left turn nationwide,then synchronize traffic lights.Eminent domain and demolish corner commercial real estate development,then install cloverleafs at all intersections.Tell the real estate lobby to shove it.Tell the appraisal districts to shove it.
I better stop.
Peoples's thoughts are the only thing that stands in the way of any change.
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