It's hard for me personally to quantify mpg gains without a-b testing. Driving in a vacuum I would be able to say definitively I gained x miles per gallon with this mod. Driving in the real world and not doing a-b testing makes all the mods I do drivers aids. If I can feel a difference or see higher real time mpg's (displayed) are easier to obtain, then I consider the mod a success. Unless your commute is a super simple loop and relatively traffic free, there are too many variables that go into getting an accurate reading of mpg's gained imo. I didn't turn my car off at a stale red light because I thought it was about to turn green but it didn't, I've got ten cars up my six so it felt polite to go 55-60 instead of 50, I had to actually stop at that 4 way because a cop was sitting there this time, the guy ahead of me slowed to a crawl and ruined one of my big coast hills. After a mix and match of a million variables working in your favor or against it, then at that point lifetime average is about all we can go by.