When I'm a father my needs will be different, but I can't think of more than a handful of times in the last decade I've needed, or event wanted more than two seats. My friends can drive their own cars. Two's company, three's a crowd.
I'll grant you that motorcycles are fun when the weather is nice, but they're seriously unfun when there is 5" of slush on the roads or when it's pouring rain.
I can move a full size dresser or book case in my Insight. I've taken 8 tires and rims to have them mounted and balanced before, and they fit in the hatch. It's nimble, lightweight, and well planted making it pretty amusing to throw around corners (for a car), even if it isn't a sports bike. The only thing it's lacking is acceleration, which I'll have fixed soon.
But yeah, I think I'm a minority. In another life I'd be one of those people who practically lived out of a Miata.