When I lived in an apartment I kept my recyclables in bins and drove them to a recycling center. The complexes never had recycling.
I would complain to management if dumpsters were under lock and key. Do they want to walk out to the dumpster with the key dozens of times a day?
When I was in Germany they fined you for contaminating the recycling and for throwing away recyclables, which was great, because I saw German employees throw recyclables from the recycling into the garbage.
The problem described in the article I shared is that recyclables in Arizona are already contaminated and it is not cost-effective to pay people to sort it.
If you throw everything together the paper and cardboard are ruined and it would take too much time and money to clean the rest.
I guess that metal recyclers could just pay you nothing for your scrap, melt everything, and deal with 50% slag.