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Old 07-09-2018, 08:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Changing VSS issues - noob to Arduino/MPGuino

Hi guys, first off, I’d like to point out that as an auto electrician I have a strong electrical background and a fairly good understanding of electronics at a component level. But as far as coding goes, I’m a noob. I understand the processes behind LOGIC from relay applications but that’s it. I’m learning though. Enjoying losing my hair while I learn as well! Haha

Anyway... here’s my issue.

Last night I assembled my MPGuino on a breadboard. Using two wire legacy LCD and analog MUX buttons. All goes well! Woohoo!

Except I brought it to work with me with the intentions of trial fitting the breadboard. I don’t have access to a computer to adjust code or anything.

When I attempt to program my VSS to 4000ppm, I can input the numbers just fine but when I confirm the entry, it tells me “Param Changed” but then it just displays a 0 for my VSS.

What gives? What am I doing wrong?

I’m assuming I can modify the sketch to have 4000 as my default VSS when I get home tonight, but thats not the way it supposed to happen right? I should be able program it all from the LCD right?

I haven’t even attempted the injector values as I’m intending to pull my injectors today, rebuild/clean them and get an average flow rate across all six of them.

Edit: I just tried adjusting the VSS to 3999 and this time it accepted the value as 99

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