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Old 07-10-2018, 12:54 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I agree with your overall argument that our system of picking representatives is flawed and results in poor outcomes. However, it would be unlikely to find a brilliant and responsible mind in a person who is living in poverty. Impoverished people rarely prefer to be in poverty, and responsible, sound-minded, and intelligent people don't find themselves in poverty very often.

Heck, Stephen Hawking could literally do nothing for himself, and yet still managed to not only avoid poverty, but enjoy an upper class lifestyle.

The arbitrary categories we group people in are not important when considering the fitness of a political representative. What is most important is that they leverage reason to the full extent possible to serve the interests of those they represent.

There should be no such thing as career politician. We should have not only term limits, but also limits to the cumulative amount of time serving in any political position. Representatives should come from the community, and they should return to the community, thereby reducing the temptation to appeal to special interests to maintain political office. Being a politician should actually be a sacrifice to serve the people, not an opportunity to be richly rewarded in politics.
A few years ago,the top US neurosurgeon,was a former illegal alien,Mexican national,migrant farm worker,who had plied his early talents in California's central agricultural region.
He would be an exceptional exception,but it does illustrate that it's hard to know where real talent and aptitude will originate.
Perhaps,candidates should have served in combat and also possess s P.hD. in public administration.
The FCC and SEC could require that all candidates,regardless of financial ability,have equal time on television,radio,and print media,as a condition of federal broadcast license,or corporate charter.Any network or corporation which allowed unequal access to the airwaves,or other media, by default,would void their broadcast license,or face revocation of their corporate charter.
Candidates who would actually represent their constituents might have equal access to office.
Super PACs would be superflous,as no amount of political war chest dollar value would have any advantage,as it would be structurally impossible to purchase asymmetric influence during campaigns,or re-election campaigns.
Public education would be a good idea.We presently don't have any.
Meritocacy might be reflected in the length of service.
Those exiting public service might be banned from entering those private enterprises which stood to benefit from knowledge gained during taxpayer-financed service.
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