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Old 07-15-2018, 04:16 AM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
Someone commented in another video that trikes are considered cars in Europe, so you could ride this without a motorcycle license. That does not sound cost-effective.
It might depend on their displacement, plus some countries might have different requirements regardless of the European Union directives. Before the introduction of the tiered licensing in England, those Reliant tricycles could be driven either with a motorcycle license or a car license, but now due to their displacement there is a minimum age required to drive them with a car-only license. Considering that many people who have a car-only license wouldn't want to pay more for a motorcycle endorsement, the provision to ride either a 125cc motorcycle or a tricycle seems reasonable.

OTOH in Uruguay there are tricycles with a motorcycle-type handlebar and thus require a motorcycle license, while similar models with a car-like cockpit with a steering wheel are titled as a car and require a car driving license.
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