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Old 07-15-2018, 04:45 PM   #37 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Location: Show Low, AZ
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Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
90 day: 35.35 mpg (US)

Mid-Life Crisis Fighter - '99 Honda Accord LX
90 day: 34.2 mpg (US)

Gramps - '04 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 35.39 mpg (US)

Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 30.49 mpg (US)
Thanks: 7,258
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I finally finished replacing my timing belt Monday afternoon. I had about half an hour before my one client and then I spent about eight hours finishing everything. I also changed the oil and rotated the wheels. I pulled the OBD-II connector loose and I am not sure how to fix that. There are two-foot extension cables on Amazon for ten or eleven dollars, but I would want to mount it, and I did not see anything like that, but people have been mounting cables for decades. There must be a solution.

The seals that I replaced should only reduce oil leaks, which has not seemed like a problem, although I cleaned a great deal of sludge from the top of the engine bay. I kind of want to clean it from the bottom, although I am not sure what that would accomplish. Perhaps oil is seeping out, but getting dirty enough to never drip? Cleaning it would help me track that as long as I check soon enough.

There is not any reason to believe that my engine would burn less oil or that an acid wash would keep a CEL away for more than 5,000 miles--if that long, but I still feel that I should. Every Honda dealership that I checked ten and a half months ago is charging at least $100 more now and some ask several hundred more.

They must not expect much business.

I will probably purchase an aftermarket cat once I wash mine and the CEL returns.

I am trying to think of what else I want to do with my Accord, although the dented roof continues to bother me, I just do not know how to properly fix it. Also, I managed to back into a fence post the other day, now I have a nice scrape in the rear bumper.

I am not sure that anything on the Accord is as important as replacing the head gasket on my Civic.

I have wanted to report back, but I needed to write progress reports on Tuesday, an incident report on Wednesday and make changes on some progress reports, saw six clients on Thursday and drove down to the valley to dog sit.

Apparently my sister has a landscaper. They let out the three dogs and it took a while to chase them down. My sister had quite a number of critical things to say like "You knew the landscapers were coming! Why did you let out the dogs!"

No part of that statement was correct.

Then my phone died and my sister freaked out because I obviously blocked her as she tried to have me hide dead bodies or whatever because the landlord was coming.

It was a crazy day. Then my sister and her husband drove the second and final moving truck from Oregon and my niece and nephews returned from wherever. Everybody got on devices but the dogs.

The dogs looked very bored.

Then I ran to Kohl's and bought an XXXL slim fit shirt, $80 pants, and the rest of the clothing that I needed for a date. I left my date clothes in Show Low.

The cashier refused to stop trying to get me to sign up for different Kohl's "services."

Just think how much money I could save by signing up for everything!

Think of how much more money I will instead save by not purchasing things I do not need.

Summary: I replaced my timing belt on Monday and my very part-time job kept me unusually busy. The landscapers let out the dogs, my sister is mean, I left my date clothes back home and never intend to return to Kohl's.

My dinner date went well, though. I will drive 170 miles each way August fourth to see her again.
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