Thread: Tesla Model 3
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Old 07-19-2018, 11:56 PM   #473 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
We do SCRUM and Agile for a big project, which would work well if it was the only or primary thing I have to do, but it isn't - while it supposes it is, so it has the full size overhead but very little gain in my case. It kind of ruins my job.
My thoughts as well. SCRUM and Agile can work great when applied to the right type of product and teams. It doesn't work for every type of project or company.

My wife is a design engineer at a medical device company. They use SCRUM and Agile and it works well. But she has 2 projects and the team for each is 4 people.

On the other hand I have 9 active projects plus 5 new model launches from 2019 to 2023 that I'm working on. If I had daily scrum meetings for each project I would spend 1/2 my day in those meetings.

There are departments in my company that use Agile and SCRUM. Manufacturing Engineering is not one of them though we use something similar to the daily scrum meeting when we are running pre-production vehicles on the line.
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