Thread: My Yamaha SR250
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Old 07-20-2018, 05:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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My Yamaha SR250

Terence here from South Africa.

So here is my little bike, its an 80s designed engine, absolutely no aerodynamics at all on it, top speed is around 80-86mph, it will cruise happily at 70mph all day long. I have put a 1 tooth larger front sprocket only and a louder exhaust off an Yamaha Virago 1100. I use it 90% for daily commuting approx. 42.5 miles per day, mainly freeway and main roads, not too much stop and go. My other vehicle is a Nissan 1400cc pickup (same shape as the Datsun 1200 ute) which is not at all fuel efficient, does approx. 30-36mpg driving as economical as I can LOL

I started tracking my fuel recently (a few weeks) after quite a while. Its winter here currently (we in our coldest part of winter actually) and im getting 79.94 mpg. Last year when I tracked over the period of 4-6 months (summer weather) I was getting 90+ mpg and I wasn't trying to be economical LOL, so I think this bike has good potential if I can get some decent fairings for it and start employing some hypermiling techniques. I also need new fork seals as they are leaking and my battery is going bad, have to push start in the cold mornings, after work, starts up fine with the electric start.

So any suggestions for better fuel economy? In my country at the moment, fuel increases on a monthly basis due our really bad economy so im trying to cut costs wherever I can.

Attached Thumbnails
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Last edited by Tbird1983; 07-20-2018 at 05:18 AM..
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