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Old 08-30-2008, 09:42 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Das Schlepper Frog - '85 Mercedes Benz 300SD
90 day: 23.23 mpg (US)

Gentoo320 - '04 Mercedes C320 4Matic
90 day: 22.44 mpg (US)
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Small and light will never be safe. Its just a matter of physics.

Current safety standards are deficient. In crash tests cars are evaluated by crashing into a deformable object of similar weight and size. Cars should be evaluated in crash tests by crashing into objects of typical size and weight. Furthermore an additional crash test should be done against a solid non deformable anchored object (the tree test).

crumple zones are very important and having more mass in the vehicle structure softens the impact for the passengers.
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