Originally Posted by JSH
...The problem here is that junkers don't come with titles and a bike without a title is just a pile of parts. The only way to get a new title is for the person on record as the owner to file for a replacement title...
Although I was able to get a title for the .99 Passport via Indiana's small claims court system (you sue the BMV, they send a letter saying they won't attend the hearing and then the judge looks at your paperwork and then orders the BMV to issue you a title). Cost me $90.
For older small bores the non-resident Vermont licensing scheme is the deal as in that state under 250cc bikes over a certain age don't require titles. My CT-200 was plated this way and then I took the plate and my paperwork to the local BMV branch and asked them to issue a title and Indiana plates. They balked and I told them to make a phone call to the main office. They gave me a title as well as plates.
It's a great way to license older small bores. Some of my buddies left their bikes with Vermont (they mail a renewal form annually) and others did as I did and got an Indiana title using their Vermont paperwork.