Thread: My Yamaha SR250
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Old 07-25-2018, 03:37 AM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Hi Terence, because you bike has cruiser styling and consequently an upright riding position, it would be impractical to go with dropped bars and an aero tuck, so work with what you've got.
My suggestion would be to try a Harley style top half fairing similar to this one

Cheap copies are available from China, but I don't know what sort of import duties you pay on Chinese products. A pair of panniers might also help, and turn your bike into a mini tourer.

Some of the guys in the C90 club have reported an improved fuel consumption after fitting a screen which doesn't look in the least bit aerodynamic.
It also has the effect of making your ride much more comfortable, especially when riding in the rain or through bug infested countryside.
Just my tuppenceworth, or should I say '2 cents worth'

Whatever you decide to do, please keep us informed, that's how we build a database of knowledge that we can all benefit from.

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