I’m just waiting on the opportunity to buy a better light setup... I did buy one but I couldn’t get the headlight to mount, and it took like 8 CR2032 cells...
I’m not quite hardcore enough to ride in pouring rain, but since I ride in my work attire(steel toed lace up logging boots), my feet at least will stay dry and warm if I decide to commute in the snow, on the other bike...
I did get my derailleur adjusted by turning the limit screws, but sometimes it’s still a little slow to downshift, particularly on the chainring... I still wanna upgrade tires and brake pads (have rim brakes)... bike came with 32mm tires but the rear had a faulty bead, so I borrowed the 35mm tire from my hybrid bike... was going back and forth between running 28mm, 32mm, or a 28/32 combo... so far, the 32/35 feels okay other than tread patterns not matching
My current Ecotec project...

My last Ecotec project...