Originally Posted by Daschicken
Gee, I thought you needed to be told what techniques to try, this is just another one of those difficult "which car should I buy?" threads!
Sorry, I haven't lurked enough to know what people usually talk about. I mostly just DWL and minimize braking (which somehow got me 58% over EPA in the Fit!), but I am curious as to how to optimally handle long hills. Is it better to apply constant throttle in high gear or just downshift? I don't understand the underlying processes enough to know.
Originally Posted by Daschicken
I vote cheap testbed, we need more people doing serious mods.
Yeah, the Aerocivic is pretty inspiring. A Civic would definitely be nice, but I don't see any VXes on Craigslist, and an engine/trans swap is way beyond my skill level right now. One of the things making aeromodding so tempting is that it seems like it can be pretty effective even when applied with only a rudimentary understanding of aerodynamics, and it doesn't take a ton of mechanical skill to make belly panels or (rear) fender skirts.