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Old 07-29-2018, 08:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Nov 2015
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Poppy - '99 Peugeot 306 Meridian
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Question Adding an Intercooler - Improving MPG?

Hello All

I have a 2.0 HDI Peugeot 306. I have had it stage one mapped and had a decent flowing exhaust fitted. I can easily get 55mpg (45.8 US) and sometimes see upwards of 60mpg (50 US)

What I am thinking of doing is adding a nice high flowing intercooler setup into the mix as currently it doesn't have one.

It smokes a bit when you put your foot down as the map is quite a strong one so I am thinking adding a decent intercooler will allow me to burn that extra bit of fuel and help burn what fuel it already gets.

I would move the boost pressure take off (for the actuator) from the turbo outlet to the intake manifold to maintain the pressure that the intake manifold is already seeing now on full boost.

Any ideas whether this will make much of a difference?


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