Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
We need to stop using factory farming methods.
Factory farming methods have been the most incredible human invention so far. We're not going to go back to hunting and gathering.
Just because something has unintended negative consequences (externalities) doesn't mean we abandon everything. It's a challenge to do less harm, not a challenge to give up and starve... and we would starve if modern farming methods were abandoned. It would make global warming look like a picnic.
Originally Posted by sendler
The only hope for 9 Billion people in 2050 is that we could somehow replace all liquid fuel with electric before the oil becomes too remote to make sense economically. But we will fall well short. And there will be a Great Simplification.
Or, we could make incremental reductions in fossil fuel use; enough to not experience catastrophic economic hardship due to scare oil supply. We don't need to be off fossil fuels completely, only vastly reduce consumption eventually.
Energy production could look something like this in the future: