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Old 08-30-2008, 05:39 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Lets straighten out some of your facts and half truths
Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Fact #1: The safest car is one that you don't collide with other cars or stationary objects, and that doesn't roll over in obstacle avoidance maneuvers, or when you get a simple flat tire, etc. Small cars, especially small cars with a low center of gravity, are a lot better at all this than your SUV.
Actually a car with a large wheel base and a low center of gravity is far better than a small car. Look at race cars. The only cars you see raced that have short wheel bases are ones that are restricted by rules such as midget race cars( which are famous for tumbling end over end in wrecks). Also I don't own an SUV

Fact #2: Small cars with well-designed protective structures are as safe in collisions as any other size.
as tested how? In the flawed test where they are crashed into objects that weight just as much as they do and not into objects that are the typical weight of the average vehicle on the road?
Consider for instance the survival rate of Formula car drivers hitting obstacles at high speeds.
Formula one cars are anything but compact cars. They have long and wide wheel bases. The also have a crumple zone to passenger cabin space ratio that is second to none. They also never travel on a road with oncoming traffic traveling on the other side of the road with no safety barrier. I also have to wonder how ordinary car accident victims would do with emergency rooms and doctors with in a mile and a half as well as a medivac helicopter standing by.

Fact #3: Highway safety is not just a matter of what you alone are driving. Sure, you might increase your own safety by being the only person out there in a Hummer. Once a large number of people start thinking that way and driving oversized SUVs of their own, everyone's safety takes a sharp drop.
No, only those who drive cars that can't provide safety from a collision with one.