Originally Posted by freebeard
Adding energy increases chaos.
Compared to the signatories trajectory heading up. 
*We probably ought to specifically qualify where the energy was sourced from and where it was consumed.We can't escape the second law of thermodynamics,but we certainly have the means to minimize it.
*The signatories to the Paris accord will have to face themselves in the mirror.
I have no control over what they do.Some have gone on record,that their near term plans include abolishing internal combustion.The CIA probably thought that would have been a good idea in 1960.
Henry Ford was for the League of Nations taking over the planet,with a one-world government,abolishing all the flags and different currencies.Without any potential for war,we'd have money for nothing but 'butter.'
Heck,you could even enlist John Galt and his atmospheric, static electricity accumulator/amplification/power distribution technology.