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Old 08-21-2018, 05:18 PM   #19 (permalink)
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ASU uses Es, not Fs, and I had two of them, and one was for a class that I dropped. I had the professor sign the paperwork and I turned it in.

Then I saw an E on my transcript.

The other one was for Mexicano\a Literature. That professor spent all class ranting in politically-correct Spanglish about modern politics, while the class was about literature from a hundred years ago.

I consistently earned As and Bs on my papers and I still thought they were graded excessively harshly, but I never even earned a C in that Spanglish class. She basically wrote:

When I realized that I realistically could not pass the class I tried to drop, but they said it was too late. I petitioned and they denied me. The class had a different professor the next semester and I earned an A, but both were still on my transcripts. Apparently their current policy is that if you retake an upper-division class both stay on your record, but they only allowed you to retake a class and improve your grade if you earned a D or E. The lower-division class was 5 of my 158 credits. If I turned that E to an A my GPA would go from 2.92 to 3.04 or 3.05, which should help, but I can definitely earn better than that through MUMU.

The problem is that even if I earn a 4.0 through MUMU grad schools will still say "Yeah, but you only earned a 2.92 at ASU," but what can I do?
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