Well, we don't want people to kill you, rape your wife and marry you pre teen daughters, don't you agree?
Sorry for the strong sentence. I don't even know you or you family. It was just to raise a point.
Humans are a disgrace, we are more prone top evil than for good. To get a good rightfull person you need 2 decades, a lot of moral education, good parenthood, good example, good influence, and even so it'd not guarantee. For other side, to create a monster or a crap you just need to do nothing.
Rights are a invention, yes, and not a human nature. If it was from human nature it would be some sort of abominable disgracefull rights.
It took some thousand years to take we out of a savage condition, with society, some laws, some protections. But it would took just some months to take us back to bestiality, in case of a nuclear was or cataclysm.
Originally Posted by Vman455
Let's be clear--"rights" are completely a human invention, and only exist insofar as we collectively decide to bestow them on each other.