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Old 08-22-2018, 04:34 AM   #201 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
If people on India would spend the same in energy and trash, per citizen, as USA people do...
Even if they never get to spend the same amount of energy as an average redneck, the way such energy is obtained might be proportionally dirtier. A lot of people in India still resort to wood-fire for cooking, in kitchens that often lack enough ventilation, thus leading to a higher concentration of carbon monoxide (which is in fact poisonous, unlike carbon dioxide). Other matters of concern would be the less stringent emission standards not just for stationary engines but also for vehicles, despite the market share for CNG in India.

Concentrated solar power (Solar CLP) looks intereting
I honestly don't understand why nobody tried a similar approach in Ceará

Hydro electric it's still cheaper but require a huge initial investment, so the investment takes longer to return. There is also a enviroment impact.
Environmental impact has been decreased in newer hydro-electric powerplants, even though in the end it's unavoidable.

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