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Old 08-22-2018, 03:53 AM   #103 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
But the most common load here in Europe is an LPG tank
IIRC an American truck might be actually the cheaper way for an European to own something V8-powered due to lower taxes.

Legislation is eating away at the "passenger-trucks' " benefits though.
Since a lot of people have resorted to those as a way to pay fewer taxes, it's quite predictable that legislators would try to put an end to that.

Trailer ... even less restrictions
I'm sure trying to park a trailer in a congested city center is not any better than using a small van. The main advantage I see in a trailer is that it's more cost-effective to haul some stuff such as chemicals that could damage the vehicle or become a nuisance to the passengers.
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