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Old 08-28-2018, 01:49 PM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by ProDigit View Post
Personally, I think, unless we re-invent the gasoline engine, hydrogen is out of the question.
Not even if we reinvent the engine, since the main problem is hydrogen storage. Remember those BMW prototypes with a regular engine converted to hydrogen?

There is a future for the wave disc engine in generators, due to it's small size, high efficiency, low weight, simplicity and low cost.
And we all know generators have a future in electric cars.

Perhaps a wave disc engine would go well with a CVT, varying the output speed at a fixed input rotation.
For a fixed-load operation, gas turbines might be a more realistic approach instead of those, let's say, "unconventional" engine designs.
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