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Old 08-30-2018, 03:47 PM   #2630 (permalink)
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the state

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
My gripe is more one of semantics. The form shouldn't be called a marriage license, but instead "registration of spouse". Just as the state can't stop you from purchasing a vehicle, they do require that you register with them. I'm ok with that for purposes of bestowing certain legal rights/responsibilities. I'm just not asking for permission to get married. "Denied" is not an acceptable option for the state to decide. I suppose from that standpoint that makes me "pro-gay marriage", insofar as it's none of the state's business.

When I was filling out my marriage application, it asked for my occupation. My response, "Nunya". I didn't know that would appear on the actual certificate. To my wife's chagrin, and my absolute delite, it does.
If we are 'one nation under God',then the instant it entered into your mind that you wanted to be 'married',in that instant,you were married,and 'states' have nothing to do with that.And the 'state' must agree,if they're going by the same 'book.'(unless they want to cherry-pick scripture).
'Legally' married is a different animal,as mentioned by others.It confers certain legal 'privileges' and remedies upon those who are entered into a legal contract with the state,and protect if nothing else,the taxpayers from economic burdens imposed by legally married couples who's relationship deconstructed,placing those identified by the state,with the responsibility to absorb the social cost of the deconstruction.
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