Originally Posted by Daschicken
Just an update, front fender is still away and the little heater would not fit anywhere that would be useful. I have been looking into installing a vacuum gauge on the bike to aid in efficient acceleration and DWL. It took some asking around on the four cylinder specific forum, but I did find and order the part I needed, a 6mm hose barb.
I fitted a vacuum gauge to my VT250C using a similar barb fitting.
I found the gauge needle bounced around too much to be read (because it's only picking up one cylinder I suppose).
Adding a flow controller (one way) to the line steadied the needle, but it probably messed with it's accuracy.
As far as usability goes, I found little difference between part throttle and WOT in normal riding, so it didn't really help.
Maybe the CBR's higher revs will help? With it's modified gearing, my VT (probably) seldom goes over 7500 rpm (no tacho).