USA and Russia got the rocket scientists from the defeated Nazi German.
Their V2 rocked killed more jews workers (slaves at the time) manufacturing it, than the english people during V2 atacks.
Von Braun, despite the fame of hero of space race, was who sellected jewish workers to the nazi german project.
I don't know about these operations.
On Brazil we are told that Santos Dumont is the inventor of the airplane. But I know both, Wright Brothes and Dumont have greate roles. Wright brothes didn't toof off alone and was very short, but they did first, while Dumont's 14 Bis took off and was much longer and with a smooth landing.
Anyway in a documentary they showed another guy did a better flying even before Wright Brothers. Took off and landed. But didn't care to register well this fact.
These impressive techno-changing 54 years will never happen again !!!
Originally Posted by freebeard
Once you get above 600-800V it will jump out and get you.
I know Sputnik is probably before your time. What do you think of the hypothesis that Operation Paperclip was sabatoging the American USAF program, so it was taken from them and given to the Army before any success — then JFK bought the Hungarian space program from Tito and that became the Apollo program that went to the Moon?
54 years from the Wright brothers to orbit.