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Old 09-05-2018, 10:35 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by teoman View Post
Soo, you can lug a tank of hydrogen with you and basically use it as a very expensive fuel supplement i.e. burn it with the fuel.
Surprisingly, if the ambient air is somewhat dry, water injection may lead to a more effective mileage increase than those hydrogen setups.

Or you can choose to be very ignorant, think that the car’s alternator provides free energy, and try to make some hydrogen from that. In reality the alternator puts a load on the motor making it burn more fuel, about %10 efficiency. Then you make hydrogen with that energy and lose a fair bit there aswell.
Plus the energy balance is unfavorable, since the combustion of the hydrogen generates a lower output than the power required to break down the water molecules on those HHO devices.
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